Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Hommage to Home Ghosts

All things must change and each of them keeps secret of eternal flame. What gives us strength, also takes it. What bring us together, tears us apart. Nothing is possible to keep, so it’s easy to let it free. Only known border is the one between life and death, and all others are imaginative lines mirroring our own nature. Whatever we do, we reflect ourselves. Light from the stars is the only light we will ever know. In permanent change of material world we are immortal, part of everlasting stream, connected and merged forever with dark matter that precedes every form of being. We are always just returning and we are inseparable. We are dance of our own particles. And still, from the other side, we are slaves of our own desires. Why?
Nothing saves us from pain. But we shouldn’t be afraid. What we cannot avoid should be accepted. What passed is a dream, what comes is an illusion. Traces we leave will disappear. Things we say will lose their meaning.  Our voices are just temporary music of the spheres. Nothing belongs to us and we are part of unreachable chain of events we cannot perceive and understand. We are repeating our daily tasks to survive, but nothing can save us from dissolving. We are following our missions, but in wide context of eternity no general purpose can be achieved. There are no winners.